

A 19 year old female Irish-American who is a full-time Art Education student at JMU. "I want a relaxing day by myself spent exploring the places around me."


Marie enjoys every moment she has to spend alone, enjoying life. She also enjoys her major very much and is constantly looking for new places to paint or tell her future students about. She is shy and reserved so she enjoys going downtown during the day so that she can gather her thoughts and avoid the party scene that typically comes later at night. She lives 10 minutes from downtown and has a car.

Goal: To be able to find parking downtown easier

Technology use: Always has her phone on her, especially to take pictures and to find her way downtown

Marie is frustrated that finding parking is so hard, especially since she will travel different places that she knows about downtown and they always seem to be full. She is also frustrated that she can’t seem to figure out the one-way streets. She needs an app that shows her how many spots are available for every parking area and what roads she can use to get there.



A 21 year old male Mexican-American who is a full-time Business major at JMU. "I am always up for a good time. College is for networking and hanging out with friends."


Logan enjoys going out at night on the weekends with his friends. He doesn’t have a car but he doesn’t mind because he can always catch a ride with someone he is going with and they always park in the same parking garage unless it is full. He is very outgoing and wants to go to all of his favorite places downtown whenever he can. He lives 15 minutes from Downtown Harrisonburg.

Goal: To locate more parking that is closer to his destination.

Technology use: Logan is always on his phone searching for events happening downtown and friends to hangout with.

Logan is frustrated that they aren’t always able to park where they usually do and that the parking isn’t always the closest to where he usually goes. He needs an app that shows all of the parking lots he can use as well as where the closest one is to where he is going.
